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Owners and fans in attendance will get a first look at a limited edition 60th Anniversary Appearance Package and try new, exclusive Mustang ownership experiences rolling out over the next year.
Adventurer Lexie Alford (@LexieLimitless) today set the official record of being the first person to circumnavigate the globe in an electric vehicle using the new all-electric Ford Explorer designed for European customers.
One of our goals with Ford Performance Electric Vehicle Demonstrators is to redefine what’s possible in racing with electric powertrains. With the Cobra Jet EV demonstrator, we’ve now done that twice.
Ford F-150 Lightning and Mustang Mach-E retail customers are the first of any non-Tesla automaker to gain access to Tesla Superchargers across the U.S. and Canada.
In Season 2's sixth episode, popular social media influencer and car reviewer Forrest Jones talks about how he sees his TikTok and YouTube videos as a gateway for future car enthusiasts.